Friday Roll Call

on 12/6/12 11:49 pm

Good Morning PA Folks!!


I am a bit weary this morning. My car would not start yesterday when I came out of work. So I had to get it towed, get a ride over to the dealership where I had it towed then get a rental. By the time all that was done, I didn't get home until around 7pm. Then I had to do homework with my daughter but at that point I was so spent it was hard to help her. I went to bed shortly afterward. Tossed and turned as usual, woke up to one of the cats who had peed in our clean laundry basket. He may be up for adoption soon, because I am getting tired of dealing with it!! I soooo wanted to call out of work today, but I have a concert coming up on the 19th, so that is not an option! I am hoping that my car will be done today, I can drop off the rental, pick up my car and get my butt home! I have a busy night ahead of me. We have a holiday party at a friends house tomorrow and it is pot luck so I am baking some goodies but I have to stop at the store to pick up supplies. Dee also has girl scouts tonight, YIPPEE!?!?!


Life will slow down, right??? At least I have the energy to do all this!!

Have a GREAT weekend!!

Love, Beth">">>

Patricia R.
on 12/7/12 1:56 am - Perry, MI

Good Afternoon Beth and PA,

I have had a frustrating morning so far.  I have been searching for small wooden letters that are train cars with magnets in the letter's in my grandson, Franklin's name.  I want to paint them myself, like I did for his older brother and sister.  Unfortunately, I have only been able to find four of the eight letters at the two AC Moore's in Lower Bucks County.  My time in PA is short, and I want to paint this train, and give it to him for his first Christmas present from me, as I did for Isabel and Lincoln.  I've tried looking online, and AC Moore's website does not carry them.  I've found name trains online, but they're already painted.  I need to see where the nearest AC Moore is other than Langhorne, or Bensalem.

The rest of the day will be spent purging my bathroom and organizing my bedroom closets.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

IdaMae D.
on 12/7/12 6:50 am - Philadelphia, PA

there is an AC Moore right by me at the Blvd & Welsh Road in a shopping center. 


Patricia R.
on 12/7/12 7:02 am - Perry, MI

I called that AC Moore, and they didn't have what I am looking for.  The one in Willow Grove has them.  I'll be there first thing tomorrow.  Found our right before rush hour, and I have to take the turnpike to get there.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 12/7/12 2:50 am - PA

Good afternoon Beth, Trish and those to come,

     Beth I am sorry about the car trouble.  I know that this time of year is crazy for music teachers generally not to mention all the other stuff you have on your plate.  Hopefully you are able to get your car back today.  It is good that you have the energy to get a lot of this done.  I know times when the depression was so bad that just getting out of bed took all the energy I had.

     Trish, best of luck with your move.  I know that you'll be happy to be so close to your daughter and the grandkids.  Hopefully you'll be able to get the rest of those blocks for your project.  I do hope that you'll still check into the PA board and let us know how you are doing out in Michigan.

     Today I had some banking to get done and met a friend for breakfast.  It is so yucky outside that I think I'll stay in the rest of the day and just do laundry and clean my bedroom - sounds excitingcool.  Hope that everyone has a peaceful Friday.


IdaMae D.
on 12/7/12 6:54 am - Philadelphia, PA

Hi Beth & PA:

sorry to hear about all your troubles yesterday.  Got up a bit late this morning so had to run prior to getting onto the computer. 

Not much happening around here.  Work is so busy I'm exhausted by 10 am and have to stay till 4....

I'm off Monday and Tuesday looking forward to that, then Wednesday my boss asked me to sit in on the interview because I'm the analyst part of our department where her expertise is the communication not the data integrity.  So I'll be interviewing, been about 12 years since I've actually interviewed anyone.

tomorrow hair appt, then taking Hider to the vet.  Need to find out what we can do to help her transition.  Ez is so much fun, loving, and wants to be friends with her.  He's never been aggressive with her, we need to find a way to get her over this hump.

hope you all had a great day...



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